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Capital Securities Corporation activities has centred since 2018, on researching the future commercial opportunities in respect of three key combined strategic Influencers for Ireland, over the next decade.

Brexit 2020 was expected to have an impact on Ireland’s economy. ESRI had predicted Ireland’s GDP 10 years after Brexit would be 2.6% lower in a deal scenario, and 5% in a dis-orderly no deal scenario. The Central Bank had predicted that a disorderly Brexit could reduce 2020 GDP to 0.7%, as against 4.1% otherwise.

The ink has barely dried on a Brexit withdrawal agreement, when the Health impacts of Pandemic Covid 19 started to become a reality across the Globe. The Health, Economic, Societal change and Geopolitical consequences of Covid 19 will be long lasting.

Ireland ‘s– Three Long Term Strategic Influencers being researched by Capital Securities Corp:


1. New Homes 2018 - 2030

  1. Deliver 25,000 new homes annually 2017-2021 (social Housing programme 47,000 units)
  2. Address Homelessness
  3. Accelerate social housing
  4. Improve rental sector
  5. Utlilise existing Housing

2. Project Ireland 2040

  1. Irelands population will increase by 1m on 2016 Census level or + 20%
  2. ESRI projects an additional 660,000 jobs to 2040
  3. At least an additional 0.5m new homes by 2040
  4. New ways of working - people, services and trade capital
  5. Population > 65 years age will double to 1.3m - populaton < 15 years age decrease by 10% to 1m

3. Climate Action Plan 2021 - 2030

  1. 70% of Electricity to be generated from renewaable sources
  2. 0.5m Homes to upgrade to B2 equivalent
  3. 600,000 Heat pumps installed by 2030 (400k  to existing buildings)
  4. 1m Electric vehicles
  5. 8000 HA of newly planted forest per year
  6. Reccyle 70% of packaging waste & 55% of platic packaging
  7. Agriculture - deliver GHG emissions reduction set by Teagasc





Partnering Strategic Growth

Capital Securities Corporation Ltd.


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